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State/Local Sources for Information on Invasive Species in the Upper Gunnison Basin

Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Colorado Department of Agriculture

Information From Local Communities

CPW is working in the Gunnison Basin to control varies invasive species and microbes. Much of their work has to do with engaging with recreational users, but they have also participated in various research projects. For more information, contact Elizabeth Brown, Invasive Species Coordinator, Colorado Division of Wildlife, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216, (303) 291-7362



Gunnison County Weed Management Program

The purpose of the Gunnison County Weed Management Program is to provide state-listed noxious weed control and public awareness services to the public and governmental agencies so that they can protect the County’s economic and ecological resources from damage due to noxious weeds.

  • Works on the following species:

    • Rock Snot

    • Black Henbane

    • Oxeye Daisy

    • Absinth Wormwood

    • Canada Thistle

    • Diffuse Knapweed

    • Cheatgrass

    • Field Bindweed

    • Scentless Chamomile

    • Plumeless thistle

    • Hoary Cress

    • Orange Hawkweed

    • Whirling Disease

    • Leafy Spurge

    • Purple Loosestrife

    • Russian Knapweed

    • Scotch Thistle

    • Spotted Knapweed

    • Yellow toadflax

  • Contact: Jon Mugglestone, Weed Program Coordinator, Mountain Meadows Research Center, 106 Maintenance Drive Gunnison, CO 81230,

  • Research: Gunnison County’s primary responsibilities include: Certifying weed-free forage in the Gunnison Basin, implementing the Gunnison River Watershed Integrated Weed Management Plan in accordance with the Colorado Noxious Weed Act, providing educational programs and information about noxious weed control, and reviewing and inspecting reclamation and subdivision plans.



Whirling Disease - Myxobolus cerebralis

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